Devlog 15 - Now What?

The game jam is over, and I'm pretty happy with where this game got to.

I have to admit, the more I work on it, the more I enjoy it. Now i'm at the tough part. Designing more game. I'm NOT a designer by nature so this will take some time but I DO have some ideas.

I've nearly finished implementing a town, completing the move from roguelike to rogue like. The town will be a hub to send you in but also act as points of investment. ie. if you can prove to the Blacksmith that you can handle a sword and give him a certain amount of money, he'll make swords for your kids (start new game with a sword) etc.  I'd also like to have a bank that you can invest in, and your children(subsequent playthroughs) will start with a small fraction of that investment.

Anyways, Updates will probably be slightly less frequent but with more in them. 

I also used my other format mostly to show myself how far I've come. From here on out, I'll only be mentioning new things in the devlog, not  a  catalogue of everything


Marburgh 22 MB
Dec 04, 2021

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