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As a Boomer(not sure what even the definition is but w/e?), I haven't had the chance to play many text-based games(except for some mobile stuff). I liked it tho. Felt polished at the very least!

Regarding technical difficulties running it, I didn't have any on Win10-64bit.

I did hit one bug when attempting to upgrade my potions for the 4th time. 2nd and 3rd upgrade didn't cost gold and the 4th caused a crash. Sadly I couldn't get a screenshot of the call stack :(. Hopefully, this is enough info to find it.

I definitely could see myself playing something like this for a prolonged period.

One thing I'd like to note about the Mage is that around level 2/3(depending on the color of your dagger :D) it becomes more efficient to stab fools to death! 

Cool man, thanks for the feedback!

I didn't expect anyone to level the potion beyond 4, so... it was looking beyond the array.

I'm also having trouble running it, though it's probably because I'm on linux. Looks cool though, I'm a sucker for text-based stuff!

Extract the folder, double click the application in the folder. Don't seperate the files

(Sorry, I downloaded it, and extracted it.

When I try to run, it begins to open and in mili-seconds disappears)